ArchivesCategory: Sketchbook


So my project this last weekend was to turn the chicken from that book I did last year, Margaret, into a knitting pattern.  For Christmas my mom made a sweater vest for my close friend Henry Jardim that had an image of a frog knitted into the front.  She had a lot of fun making it and Henry has had a lot of fun wearing it.  When she finished the sweater she told me that she would like to do one for me and asked me what I wanted.  I’ve never been very picky on what gifts I receive – I alwa…Continue Reading


Here are a couple of sketches that I did of my two cousins over this past week.  They were visiting while their aunt was away at a wedding in Maryland.

Bill’s on the left. He loves sports and is very smart. Sarah Beth is his sister and she likes to pout. She’s also very smart and knows a lot about dinosaurs – more than anyone I know (Except, maybe, my baby brother, Oliver).

I know I said in a previous post that I would post art I made as Christmas presents, but I only really made one thin…Continue Reading